Thursday, February 28, 2008

Smarter What? John Who?

I have only been in Nashville for five hours and the amount of knowledge I have gained is immense. In particularly I have learned a lot about agricultural companies that I didn’t even know existed. I would like to focus on two in particular. They are MachineryLink and DICKEY-john.

MachineryLink is a company headquartered out of Kansas City, Missouri. The goal for this company is to provide combines to farmers in an affordable manner, and the way that they do this is instead of selling the farmers the combines they lease them. The company has over 250 combines running in over 30 states and Western Canada, which makes them the largest combine leasing company in North America.

DICKEY-john is a company that specializes in agricultural electronics, and the interesting thing about this company is that its headquarters are in Auburn, Illinois, which is only 30 minutes from my hometown. This includes planter monitors, control valves, and flow meters. However the one piece of technology that I was most interested in was the Mini Gac. The thing I found so intriguing was that it is the world’s most accurate handheld moisture analyzer. In fact, a man from North Carolina came up to the booth while I was there just to comment on how much he liked this product.

My adventure has just begun, but I hope you will keep reading as I become familiar with even more agriculture companies as my CLASSIC ADVENTURE continues.

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