Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Faces Behind the Unit

In my last post I discussed Monsanto’s Mobile Technology Unit. This unit is a 53 feet long trailer that has 1,000 square feet of exhibit space. The mobile unit is, a unique traveling exhibit showcasing Monsanto’s advances in plant breeding, biotechnology and new product innovations focused on corn, soybean and cotton that support farmer success. This unit has spent the last 8 months on the road and traveled over 28,000 miles.

Now you maybe saying, “Ashley we already know this. You covered this in your last blog. Why are you covering it again?” Well, in this blog I don’t want to focus on the unit it’s self, but rather on the individuals that make this mobile unit so successful.

There are currently four individuals that’s primary job is to travel around with the mobile technology unit. Their names are: Rachel, Tammy, Adam, and Joe. These four individuals are in no way related by blood, but within the first five minutes of talking to them you realize that they truly are family.

Tammy is the tour manager. Her job allows for her to actually drive the Mobile Technology Unit around. She’s also in charge of booking tour dates, and seeing to it that they make it to their destination on time. Tammy has had 9 years of experience with mobile technology, and while she didn’t grow up on a family farm herself her grandparents did have a very small farm that consisted of 10 pigs. The reason for Tammy’s interest in working for Monsanto’s Mobile Technology Unit was because her family has many strong ties to Monsanto and many of her family members have or still are employed with the company.

Rachel is a University of Missouri graduate and serves as the assistant tour manager. She assists Tammy in anyway possible and drives the Suburban that follows the Mobile Technology Unit. Rachel grew up on a cow calf operation. Her family farm also harvested corn and soybeans. In addition to the crop and cattle aspect, Rachel and her sister raised pigs.

Adam is a South-Eastern Missouri University alumni. While Adam has no agriculture background he does have a strong passion for marketing, and knew the Monsanto name and relieved he would be silly not to work for the company.

Joe graduated from Southern Illinois University Carbondale last May. He too like Rachel grew up on a family farm. Joe’s farm concentrated mainly on corn and soybeans. He also raised pigs and feeder cattle. Joe is in charge of driving the other semi that accompanies the Mobile Technology Unit.

These four individuals all have their own specific jobs. However, they all work together to see to it that the Mobile Technology safely makes it from destination to destination and is set up efficiently and promptly. They are an outstanding group of individuals, and really do an amazing job relating to the public and showcasing Monsanto’s mobile research unit.

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